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Muncle's Leatherworks is a custom leather shop in Marfa Texas and is owned and operated by Eric Wilmarth. Eric began doing leatherwork in his garage in 2010, during his senior year at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. After getting his concealed carry permit, Eric needed a holster for a gun that he could not find one for. Having done leatherwork while in Boy Scouts and as part of the Mic-o-say Tribe, he picked up some basic supplies from Hobby Lobby and began crafting. After making several holsters and magazine pouches for him and his roommate, he was hooked. An expensive visit to Tandy Leather and he now had the proper tools and materials to make some decent holsters. Now that he had the tools and some experience he decided to take his work to a gun show to see how profitable the business venture might be. He only sold one holster, but stuck with it, fine tuning his designs and techniques. He continued selling at gun shows and taking custom orders, finding success. 

A job opportunity in Texas caused a relocation to Marfa Texas in 2012. A small town located in the Big Bend of Far West Texas, Marfa has become a hub for the arts and craftsmanship. The move was not planned but couldn't have worked out better. Eric met his wife, Lori, a Marfa local and got married in 2015. Although Eric's full time job takes up most of his weekends, Eric is able to do a Texas gun show here and there and takes custom orders from customers nationwide. Eric has made many hundreds of holsters, belts, accessories, and other goods over the years. In 2017, a spark for expansion was lit. The spark led to increased advertising, creation of a legitimate business, and the purchase of Eric's first electric leather sewing machine! Based on Eric's twelve years of leatherwork production and sales experience, Eric has created a production line of holsters, belts, and accessories that you can custom order on the Custom Leather Shop page. It may not have everything you want, but trust that if you send Muncle's Leatherworks a message, I can get it done!

-Eric Wilmarth, AKA "Muncle" (mun-cul)

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